WHITNEY WALDO BANGS, of the Form of 194.3, Pfc., lnf., A.U.S., died as prisoner of war in Germany, March 5, 1945.
Whitney Bangs spent five years at S.P.S. He was an unusually quiet and pleasant person, imperturbable, genuine, very friendly, a steady worker, with much more influence than he ever realized.
He took part in numerous school activities and was particularly effective as stage manager of the Dramatic Club.
One month a fter his graduation, he was inducted in to the Army, and after basic training, was assigned to A.S.T.P. at the University of Florida. When that training was discontinued, he was assigned to an Infantry Division with which he went overseas in August, 1944. In November he was slightly wounded, and he was awarded the Purple Heart. He spent a short period in a hospital and th en returned to his unit, which was
soon afterwards reported engaged with a Veteran Panzer Division. In February, Bangs was reported missing in action since January 21, 1945, and no further information was received until late Apri l, when the news arrived that he had died a prisoner of war in Germany, March 5. As yet we know no Inore than,that. But no futher knowledge could add more to our sorrow at his tragic death. 
Whitney Waldo Bangs, a grandson of W. P. Clement, '69, is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nathan Bangs, and by his sister , Catherine T. Bangs. His only brother, Francis N. Bangs, Jr., died in his country's service on December 18, 1944, in Belgium.